During his address, Modi said that Japan will be raising the investment target in India to Rs 3.2 lakh crore or 5 trillion yen over the next five years.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Japanese PM Fumio Kishida on Saturday addressed the 14th India-Japan Annual Summit. Both leaders also addressed the India-Japan Economic Forum today.
“Progress, prosperity, and partnership are the basis of India-Japan relations,” Modi said as he addressed the India-Japan Economic Forum in Delhi.
During his address, Modi said that Japan will be raising the investment target in India to Rs 3.2 lakh crore or 5 trillion yen over the next five years.
“Japan will invest 5 trillion Yen or Rs 3.2 lakh crores in the next five years in India,” said Modi after the interaction.
Following bilateral talks between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Japanese PM, India and Japan inked six agreements.