Anushka Sharma started her weekend on a fitness note. Taking to Instagram, Anushka, on Saturday, shared a post-workout selfie. In the image, the ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ actor can be seen smiling while sitting on a mat.
Anushka Sharma shares her post-workout selfie
Anushka Sharma started her weekend on a fitness note. Taking to Instagram, Anushka, on Saturday, shared a post-workout selfie. In the image, the ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ actor can be seen smiling while sitting on a mat.
For the workout session, she has picked a grey top and black yoga pants. It seems that the picture was clicked just after the session was over as she was glowing. “Done,” she captioned the image. Meanwhile, on the work front, Anushka will be seen making her Netflix debut with ‘Chakda Xpress’, which is based on the life of cricketer Jhulan Goswami.