The Adani family has announced its commitment to donate Rs 60,000 crore for a range of social works. This announcement has come to mark the centenary birth anniversary of Shantilal Adani, father of Gautam Adani and Gautam Adani’s 60th birthday. The fund will be managed by the Adani foundation.
To utilize the potential of India’s demographic advantage, there is an ever growing need to focus on the areas of healthcare, education, and skill development. The shortfalls in each of these areas are roadblocks for an ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat.’
Gautam Adani, Chairman of the Adani Group said, “In addition to being the 100th birth anniversary of my inspiring father, this year also happens to be the year of my 60th birthday and therefore the family decided to contribute Rs 60,000 crore towards charitable activities related to healthcare, education, and skill development, especially in the rural regions of our nation”.
Over the years, the Adani Foundation has responded to society’s changing needs in alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – be it sustainable livelihoods, health and nutrition, and education for all or addressing environmental concerns – with an enhanced focus on the empowerment of women, working with multiple stakeholders at the grassroots. Today, it covers 3.7 million people in 2,409 villages across 16 states in India.