Telugu star Vijay Deverakonda, who’s been making waves with his ripped-up body for the multilingual MMA action film “Liger”, revealed to Karan Johar that the most public place he has had sex is “a boat”.
Appearing with “Liger” co-star Ananya Panday in the fourth episode of ‘Koffee With Karan’ Season 7, Deverakonda clarified that the boat in question was in fact “like a small yacht”.
He was responding to his celebrity host’s question/comment: “In the middle of the ocean? Nobody else or like… ?” Hearing Deverakonda’s reply, Karan remarked that it was sexy, even as Ananya said, “I don’t do all these things.”
Karan jumped on Ananya’s statement and, in his usual wide-eyed, schoolboy grin-laced way, and asked her if she hadn’t had sex in a public place, she said: “I haven’t done it.” And she added that her parents — Bollywood actor Chunky Panday and costume designer Bhavna Panday — were going to watch the show.
Ananya had clearly walked into a trap and Karan did not let go of the opportunity. “So, what do they think? They have a vestal virgin at home!”
Deverakonda also let out that he had had sex in cars. Karan responded to that with: “But aren’t they uncomfortable? I haven’t done anything in a car.” The “Liger” rose to the occasion with a memorable answer accompanied by a meaningful wink: “Desperate times.”
On a more personal note, Deverakonda, who’s now regarded as perhaps the country’s sexiest single man, candidly talked about rumours that he was dating Rashmika “Srivalli” Mandanna.
He said they had done two films together at an early stage of his professional career and they had been good friends since then. “She’s a darling and I’m fond of her. She’s a really good friend of mine.”