Aaman Devgan and Rasha Thadani will soon be stepping into Bollywood with Abhishek Kapoor’s much-anticipated drama, “Azaad”. During an exclusive conversation with IANS, the newbies were asked, “It appears that you both are fluent in Hindi, was it a conscious effort to study or did it come naturally?”
Reacting to this, Rasha Thadani said, “My mother talks at home in Hindi only.
Meanwhile, Aaman Devgan added by saying, “I think the industry that we are trying to work in, its main language is Hindi. So if we don’t know the language, it is not a good thing. I am glad. We were unaware that we know Hindi so well.”
In the meantime, during a previous media interaction, Abhishek Kapoor heaped praise on the new talents. The filmmaker was quoted saying, “Our talented cast, led by the incomparable Ajay Devgn, has poured their hearts and souls into their performances, and the fresh perspectives brought by Aaman and Rasha have infused the story with a vibrant energy.”
Additionally, Rasha Thadani revealed that being her debut project, “Azaad” is extremely special to her. The star kid revealed, “I can’t be more grateful to Abhishek sir for giving me this opportunity and believing in for me. This has been a beautiful and incredibly special journey altogether. I am really excited for the audience to see this!”
Furthermore, Aaman Devgan also talked about his debut film, “I’m truly honored to be a part of Azaad. A big thank you to Abhishek sir for trusting me with this role. It’s a dream come true, and I’m excited for everyone to experience the film.”
Bankrolled by Ronnie Screwvala and Pragya Kapoor, “Azaad” is slated to reach cinema halls from 17th January 2025. Aside from Aaman Devgan and Rasha Thadani, the movie will also feature Ajay Devgn, Diana Penty, and Mohit Malik in pivotal roles, along with others.