After a disastrous performance in the Lok Sabha polls in Madhya Pradesh, the Congress has been preparing to put up a good show in a bid to win the Amarwara Assembly seat in the state’s Chhindwara district where bypoll is scheduled to be held on July 10.
The by-election to Amarwara Assembly constituency was necessitated after sitting MLA Kamlesh Shah of Congress quit as a legislator and switched to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ahead of the Lok Sabha polls.
On July 10, the seat will witness a direct contest between BJP’s Kamlesh Shah and Congress’ Dheeransha Invati.
According to sources in the Madhya Pradesh Congress, former chief minister and party veteran Kamal Nath is expected to join the campaign for Invati from July 2.
Madhya Pradesh unit Congress head Jitu Patwari has already been leading the campaign in Amarwara.
Former CM Digvijaya Singh is also among the 40 star campaigners.
According to political analysts, retaining the Amarwara Assembly seat will be a matter of prestige for both Jitu Patwari and Kamal Nath after the Congress lost all 29 Lok Sabha seats of Madhya Pradesh.