Bollywood actress Alaya F, who was recently seen in the theatrical film ‘Almost Pyaar with DJ Mohabbat’, has flown to an undisclosed location where she will film for her part over a 45-day schedule.
The actress was recently spotted at the Mumbai airport where she was seen flying out for a film shoot outside the country.
Donning a simple yet stylish fashion ensemble, Alaya F was spotted wearing a black denim jacket, beige pants, and a crop top at the airport. Lately, the actress has been running a tight schedule, fulfilling film and brand commitments.
As per a source, Alaya has jetted off for a 45 days long film shoot. Taking to social media, Alaya F shared some pictures and videos from where she is stationed for the shoot.
Meanwhile, on the work front, the actress has films like ‘U-Turn’, and the Srikanth Bolla biopic, ‘Sri’ in the pipeline.