Delhi BJP working president Virendra Sachdeva claimed that Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal renewed his attack on Lt. Governor (L-G) Vinai Kumar Saxena to “divert media focus” from the Enforcement Directorate chargesheet, which alleged that the AAP “misused liquor scam kickback cash” in the Goa Assembly elections.
Sachdevaha said that Chief Minister Kejriwal is “creating a constitutional crisis in Delhi by continuously making irresponsible comments against the L-G”.
The BJP leader further said that when Kejriwal contested the first election in 2013, even then he knew that Delhi is a Union Territory where the L-G has supremacy in administrative arrangements; since the beginning he has been in conflict with the L-G and his government has many times knocked the doors of courts but “no decision has come in their favour”.
The result of this “politics of confrontation” was that the people of Delhi were getting “disenchanted” with the AAP, which got 62 seats in the Assembly in the 2020 elections, but an analysis of the 2022 municipal elections revealed that the party was able to lead in “only 42 assembly constituencies” in 10 of which the AAP’s candidates “won by small margins of 1,000 votes”, Sachdeva argued.
“In such a situation, it would be better for his political existence if he leaves the power struggle with the L-G aside and concentrates on the development of Delhi,” he added.