Bollywood actress Kajol recently visited the Siddhivinayak Temple along with her daughter Nysa Devgan to seek the blessings of Lord Ganesha on Sunday. The actress donned a floral kurta and pyjama while her daughter was seen in a simple white kurta-pyjama set.
Some netizens trolled Nysa as they questioned her choice of outfit, opting to go traditional, but others defended her right to choose what she should wear.
One social media user commented: “I don’t understand the point of trolling. People wear western dresses in pubs and parties. That doesn’t mean they cannot be religious and cannot visit temples.”
Nysa Devgan recently returned from a Dubai vacation. She celebrated New Year with her friends Aryan Khan, Orhan Awatramani and actor Ahan Shetty.
As for Kajol, who was recently seen in the theatrical film ‘Salaam Venky’, rang in 2023 in the company of her husband Ajay Devgn and her family, including sister Tanisha Mukerji. Bobby Deol was also seen at their New Year’s party.