Actress Parineeti Chopra, who will be seen working with Amitabh Bachchan in the upcoming film ‘Uunchai’ directed by stalwart filmmaker Sooraj Barjatya, feels over the moon to be working with megastar and says that her journey would have been incomplete if she didn’t get to work with him.
Parineeti says, “It is just amazing that I am getting to work with Mr Bachchan this year, which happens to be his milestone 80th birth year. Even after he has accomplished possibly everything, it was amazing to see him approach every day on the sets like it was the first day of his career.”
“The dedication, the drive and the passion he has for cinema is incomparable and that’s what sets him apart. He is an institution and I have ticked off working with him from my bucket list, thanks to Uunchai! My journey in cinema would have been incomplete if I didn’t get to work with Bachchan sir.”
She adds, “The time I got to spend with him on the sets of Uunchai is one of the most precious moments of my career.”
“He taught me the true meaning of being humble in spite of being a megastar that he is and that is what my biggest learning was from him. What I connected with him the most on is that, he is so inquisitive and is always enthusiastic to learn! He is a beautiful person and it was a treat to work with him on the same film.”
In Barjatya’s ‘Uunchai’, Parineeti will be seen with the legendary Amitabh Bachchan and brilliant acting icons like Anupam Kher, Boman Irani, Danny Denzongpa, Sarika and Neena Gupta. The film is releasing on November 11 in the theatres.