Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has ordered a probe into the mysterious death of a medical student, whose body was allegedly found hanging from a ceiling fan inside the hostel of Saifai Medical College in Uttar Pradesh’s Etawah district.
The family members of the deceased have alleged it to be an alleged case of murder.
Superintendent of Police (rural), Satyapal Singh told reporters that the body of 19-year-old Himanshu Gupta, a first-year MBBS student, was allegedly found hanging from a fan in his room on Sunday.
The deceased is a resident of Uttar Pradesh’s Gorakhpur district, police said.
The police have sent the body for post-mortem examination.
The mother of the deceased has claimed that her son was allegedly murdered, and urged Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister to order a CBI probe.
She has also claimed that there were some injury marks on Himanshu’s body.
The Samajwadi Party in a tweet, termed the incident as “extremely saddening”, and demanded financial assistance of Rs one crore to the family of the deceased.