The Ahmedabad police have arrested a man while conducting a checking of vehicles and recovered more than 80 grams of MD drugs from a bag allegedly belonging to him. The market value of the drugs is valued at more than Rs 8.36 lakh.
The accused has been identified as 23-year-old Ganpat Bishnoi from Rajasthan, who tried to flee from the police, but was nabbed by the city police on Monday evening while conducting a checking of vehicles from Kalupur to Sarangpur.
The police rushed to the spot and caught the man on suspicion of fleeing.
During interrogation of the accused, the police found drugs in a white pouch in a bag he was carrying.
The police said, “Who and how many people did he (the accused) came across in Ahmedabad to deliver these drugs to?”
Efforts are underway to nab the persons, who supplied drugs to Ganpat, the police said, while investigating the persons he was going to deliver the drugs.