The film chronicled India’s win under Kapil Dev’s captainship, when the team defeated the mighty West Indies in the final to clinch their first-ever World Cup trophy in 1983.
Filmmaker Kabir Khan’s cricket drama ”83” has touched the Rs 100 cr mark at the domestic box office, the makers said on Monday.
Seventeen days since its release, the all-India collections of the Ranveer Singh-headlined film now stands at Rs 100.56 cr. The movie was released in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam on December 24.
Reliance Entertainment, one of the production houses behind ”83”, shared the news on its official Twitter account.
”India scores a century!” read the caption of the poster.
”83” was dubbed as an underperformer by trade analysts as the multistarrer failed to maintain the momentum of the Hindi film box office following the mammoth success of Akshay Kumar’s 2021 Diwali release ”Sooryavanshi” – the only Bollywood blockbuster of last year.
In an earlier interview with PTI, Khan had defended the film’s collection by calling ”83” a ”victim of the pandemic” and said the movie put up a show despite battling COVID-19 restrictions like closure of cinema halls in certain states and theatrical occupancy cap in key territories.
The film chronicled India’s win under Kapil Dev’s captainship, when the team defeated the mighty West Indies in the final to clinch their first-ever World Cup trophy in 1983.