Nine years after Paresh Rawal and Akshay Kumar brought the house down with the satirical comedy- drama film OMG – Oh My God , and left with a socially relevant message for the insurance sector as well as the audiences to mull over, a sequel is going on floors.
Akshay Kumar took to Instagram on Saturday to make the announcement that “OMG2”, starring, besides him, Yami Gautam and Pankaj Tripathi, was ready to “reflect on an important social issue”. He also released the film’s poster and a picture. The poster features Akshay as Lord Shiva rendered in the classic style with hues of blue and yellow.
The actor wrote first in Hindi: “‘Karta kare na kar sake, Shiv kare so hoye’ (Lord Shiva can do what we humans cannot).” And then he added: “Need your blessings and wishes for #OMG2, our honest and humble attempt to reflect on an important social issue. May the eternal energy of Adiyogi bless us through this journey. ‘Har Har Mahadev’.”